Parents & Guardians Addiction & Mental Health
Keeping the kid's Addiction Free
Contact Nos, Child Benefits, GST / HST, Working Income Tax Benefts
My Health Videos
Heart and Blood Vessels, Brain and Nerves, Lung Health, Mental Health, Bones and Muscles and more....
Alberta Human Services
Human services provided by Govt. of Alberta
Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH)
The Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) program provides financial and health-related assistance to eligible adults with a disability. The disability must be permanent and substantially limit the person’s ability to earn a living. AISH clients may also be eligible to receive supplemental assistance (a child benefit and personal benefits) through the AISH program.
Calgary Weather
The Weather Network Forecast
City of Calgary
Home Page, Council, Home Emergency Plan, What should I do in case of
Emergency and more...
Calgary Police /RCMP
RCMP/Calgary Police Home Page,Phone Nos, Contact Calgary Polic Etc.
Calgary Transit
Homepage, Site contents,Custmors feedback, Seniors bus passes and much more....
Fedral Govt. Benefits
Govt. of Canada WebsiteWith infermation on Govt. benifit programes
and services for indvisuals
Alberta Seniors Information Line
Canada`s trusted infermation source for Seniors
Calgary International Airport
All Infermation About Airport
Help line links for immigrants